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“Advance Reservoir Characterization and Imaging Specialist”  


ID Publication Title Year Event & Location Download Link



Nurhandoko, B.E.B, Kurniadi, R., Fatiah, E., Widowati, S., 2017, "Subsurface Temperature Modeling using Integrated Modeling for Nuclear Reactor Site Assessment in Volcanic Zone". 2017 Journal of Physics Conference Series 799(1) : 012028, DOI : 10.1088/1742-6596/799/1/012028  



Nurhandoko, B.E.B, Kurniadi, R., Susilowati, Sri Widowati, Indriani Sukmana, 2017, "Amplitude Various Anles (AVA) of Reflected Elastic Wave in Thin Layer of Coal Bed and Sand Reservoir". 2017 Journal of Non Linear Geophysics (Under Submission)  



Nurhandoko, B.E.B, Kurniadi, R., Asmara Hadi, M. R., 2017, "Study of Gamma Spectrometry Laboratory Measurement in Various Sediment and Vulcanic Rocks". 2017 Journal of Physics Conference Series 799(1) : 012027, DOI : 10.1088/1742-6596/799/1/012027  



Nurhandoko, B.E.B, Kurniadi, R., 2017, "Prediction of Subsurface Temperature Beneath Mt. Lawu-Kendeng Zone-Pati-Muriah, East Java Basin Using Integrated Modeling". 2017 Journal of Geosciences (being reviewed)  



Nurhandoko, B.E.B, Ishaq, U.M., 2006, Seismic Rock Physics of Fractured Reservoir Rock in Fluid Saturated and Varying Pore Pressure Condition 2006 SEG, International Geosciences Conference and Exhibition  



Nurhandoko, B.E.B, Condronegoro, R., Hikmah, A.L., Nashruddin, M., Supriyanto, E.B., 2005, Pore Pressure Effect on Seismic wave and AVO parameter 2005 IJP, Vol 16 No.3  
RFI-P90 Hasanusi, D., Wijaya, R., and Nurhandoko, B. E. B., 2014, Fracture carbonate reservoir characterization using sequential hybrid seismic rock physics and artificial neural-network. 2014 European Association Geophysics Engineering (EAGE) International Symp. Saint Petersburg, Russia.  
RFI-P88 Hasanusi, D., Nurhandoko, B. E. B., Wijaya, R., 2013, Carbonate reservoir characterization using sequential hybrid seismic rock physics and artificial neural-network: a case study of North Tiaka Field. 2013 6th International Symposium on In-Situ Rock Stress (RS2013) in Sendai Japan  
RFI-P87 Nurhandoko, B. E. B., 2013, Band limited Fresnel wavepath for high resolution reflection tomography. 2013 Journal of Geophysics, SEG  
RFI-P86 Nurhandoko, B. E. B., 2013, Shale Gas Reservoir Characterization Strategy 2013 Joint Convention HAGI-IAGI  
RFI-P85 Nurhandoko, B. E. B., Hariman, Y., Kurniadi, R., Susilowati, Triyoso, K., Widowati, S., 2013, Integrated approach in Lithofacies Prediction and Stratigraphic Reservoir Characterization, 2013 Joint Convention HAGI-IAGI  
RFI-P84 Nurhandoko, B. E. B., Wibowo, S. A., Triyoso, K., 2013,Resolution enhancement of seismic wave for characterizing thin layer reservoir 2013 Joint Convention HAGI-IAGI  
RFI-P83 Nurhandoko, B. E. B., Susilowati, Purnama, A. D., Lisyobudi, M., 2013, Amplitude Various Angles (AVA) of Reflected Elastic Wave Modeling in Thin Layer CBM Reservoir: Case study of South Sumatera. 2013 Joint Convention HAGI-IAGI  
RFI-P82 Nurhandoko, B. E., Kurniadi, R., Budi, M. L., Purnama, A. D., Rizal, I., Kusharyo, D., 2013, Geothermal Heat Flow Measurement and its Inversion Modeling for Source Rock Characterization 2013 Joint Convention HAGI-IAGI  
RFI-P81 Nurhandoko, B.E.B., 2013, Void imaging using seismic tomography. 2013 J. Applied Geophysics, Elsevier  
RFI-P80 Nurhandoko, B.E.B., Listyobudi, M., Rizal, I., Kurniadi, R., Susilowati, Purnama, A. D.,Kusharyo, D., 2013, Geothermal Heat Flow Measurement For Predicting Subsurface Temperature Distribution. 2013 Proceedings 2nd ITB Geothermal Workshop 2013  
RFI-P79 Nurhidayat, G., Ardi, S., Listyobudi, M., Nurhandoko, B. E. B., 2013, Study Of Geomechanics Modeling in Coal Bed Methane Reservoir’s Wellbore. 2013 Joint Convention IAGI-HAGI 2013  
RFI-P78 Yushendri, Y. F., Sukotjo, A., Raguwanti, R., Widarto, D. S., Nurhandoko, B. E. B., 2013, Seismic Rock Physics of the South Sumatra Basin Coal, Indonesia. 2013 11th SEGJ International Symposium in. Yokohama, Japan.  
RFI-P77 Fidriany, Nurhidayat, G., Wibowo, E., Kusumawati, A., Budi, M., Nurhandoko, B. E. B., 2012, Porosity and permeability characterization of coal as CBM (coal bed methane) reservoir using various methods, PROCEEDINGS PIT HAGI 37th HAGI Annual Convention & Exhibition. 2012    
RFI-P76 Hasanusi, D., Wijaya, R., Baasir, A., Nurhandoko, B.E.B., 2012, Carbonate reservoir characterization using sequential hybrid seismic rock physics and artificial neural-network: a case study of North Tiaka Field. 2012 AAPG-Bahrain.  
RFI-P75 Nurhandoko, B. E. B., 2012, Shale Gas Reservoir Characterization. 2012 Invited Speaker, Seminar held by BadanGeologi  
RFI-P74 Nurhandoko, B. E.B., 2012, Amplitude various angles (AVA) phenomena in thin layer reservoir. 2012 2012 HAGI Annual Meeting, Palembang-Indonesia.  
RFI-P73 Nurhandoko, B.E.B., Jumhana, N., Iqbal, M., Rahman, I., Wibowo, S., Hariman, Y., Susilowati, Triyoso, K., Kurniadi, R., 2012, Sequential Artificial Neural Network for Fracture Prediction using Hybrid Well Data, Multi Seismic Attributes, Surface Attributes, and Rock Physics: Case Study Of Se Walio Salawati Papua. 2012 Proceedings of Indonesian Petroleum Association 36th Annual Convention & Exhibition.  
RFI-P72 Nurhandoko, B.E.B., Susilowati, Ishaq, U.M., Rudiyanto, H., Wiyanto, Y., Sulistyanto, B., Budi, M.L., Siahaan, K.R., Abdillah, W.E., Kusudiharjo, D., 2012, Rock Physics Properties of Coal Bed Methane Reservoir Rock: Case Study of MuaraEnim Coal. 2012 Proceedings of Indonesian Petroleum Association 36th Annual Convention & Exhibition.  
RFI-P71 Nurhandoko, B.E.B., Wibowo, S.A., Mubarok, S., 2012, Increasing resolution of seismic wave for revealing thin layer reservoir: a thin layer imaging without deconvolution and well independent 2012 2012 HAGI Annual Meeting, Palembang-Indonesia.  
RFI-P70 Nurhandoko, B.E.B., Wibowo, S.A., Mubarok, S., 2012, Inverse Scattering Wave Equation Pre-Stack Depth Migration For Imaging Complex Structure. 2012 2012 Proceeding HAGI Annual Meeting, Palembang-Indonesia.  
RFI-P69 Wardaya, P. D. and Nurhandoko, B.E.B., 2012, Classification of Carbonate Rock Constituents from Thin Slice Image Using Artificial Intelligence. 2012 Proceedings of Indonesian Petroleum Association 36th Annual Convention & Exhibition  
RFI-P68 Wardaya, P. D., and Nurhandoko, B.E., 2012, Advance in Carbonate Rock Physics: Mineralogy and Acoustic Velocity Mapping using ANN. 2012 74th EAGE Conference & Exhibition incorporating SPE EUROPEC 2012  
RFI-P67 Wely, W., Riyanto, E., Nurhandoko, B. E. B., 2012, 3D SIRT passive microseismic tomography to delineate cave shape and identify rock type in DOZ Underground Mine PT. Freeport Indonesia, PROCEEDINGS PIT HAGI 37th HAGI Annual Convention & Exhibition. 2012    
RFI-P66 Kurniadi, R., Nurhandoko, B., E. B., 2011, Kalman filter for seismic deconvolution. 2011 Proc. International Conference of International Conference on Physics and Its Applications (ICPAP 2011) -ICPAP 2011 & SFN XXIV.
RFI-P65 Nurhandoko, B. E. B, Wardaya, P. D., Adler, J., Siahaan, K., 2011, Seismic wave propagation modeling in pore media for various frequencies: a case study in carbonate rock. 2011 Proc. International Conference of International Conference on Physics and Its Applications (ICPAP 2011) -ICPAP 2011 & SFN XXIV.  
RFI-P64 Nurhandoko, B. E. B., Mubarok, S., Sukmana, I., Triyoso, K., Widowati, S., Susilowati, Wibowo, S., Budi, M. L., Kusudihardjo, D., Wiyanto, Y., Rudiyanto, H., 2011,Robust and efficient seismic tomography using parallel algorithm of scattering wave inversion for imaging basement intrusion rock. 2011 proc. International Joint Conference Makassar (JCM 2011).  
RFI-P63 Nurhandoko, B. E. B., Sukmana, I., Mubarok, S., Deny, A., 2011, Inverse Scattering Wave Equation Pre-Stack Depth Migration For Imaging Complex Structure. 2011 proc. International Joint Conference Makassar (JCM 2011).  
RFI-P62 Nurhandoko, B. E. B., Sukmana, I., Mubarok, S., Deny, A., Kurniadi, R., Widowati, 2011, Inverse scattering pre-stack depth imaging and it’s comparison to some depth migration methods for imaging rich fault complex structure. 2011 Proc. International Conference of International Conference on Physics and Its Applications (ICPAP 2011) -ICPAP 2011 & SFN XXIV.  
RFI-P61 Nurhandoko, B. E. B., Susilowati, Budi, M. L., Siahaan, K. R., Ishaq, U. M., Abdillah, W., Kusudiharjo., Rudiyanto, H., Wiyanto, Y., Sulistyanto, B., 2011, Study of seismic parameter and AVO responses of Coal Bed Methane reservoir using rock physics physical modeling, 2011 proc. International Joint Conference Makassar (JCM 2011).  
RFI-P60 Nurhandoko, B., E. B., Sukmana, I., Widowati, S., Susilowati, Wibowo, S., Deny, A., Kurniadi, R., Mubarok, S., 2011, Robust time domain inverse scattering full waveform seismic tomography for imaging complex structure. 2011 Proc. International Conference of International Conference on Physics and Its Applications (ICPAP 2011) -ICPAP 2011 & SFN XXIV.  
RFI-P59 Nurhandoko, B. E. B, Wardaya, P. D., Adler, J., Siahaan, K., 2011, Seismic wave propagation modeling in pore media for various frequencies: a case study in carbonate rock. 2011 Proc. International Conference of International Conference on Physics and Its Applications (ICPAP 2011) -ICPAP 2011 & SFN XXIV.  
RFI-P58 Hasanusi, D., Wijaya, R., Baasir, A., Nurhandoko, B.E.B., 2010, Carbonate reservoir characterization using sequential hybrid seismic rock physics and artificial neural-network: a case study of North Tiaka Field, 2010 Pertamina Sharing Technologi Forum, Bandung.  
RFI-P57 Nurhandoko, B. E. B., Sulistyanto, B., Syafrizal, Wiyanto, Y., Rudiyanto, H., Erlangga, P., Riyanto, E., Kusudiharjo, D., Ambia, F.,2010, Imaging Of Coal Near Subsurface Intrusion Body Through Seismic Tomography: A Case Study In Suban Block MuaraEnim Sumatera. 2010 Proc. Conference Kyushu Univ. – ITB 2010.  
RFI-P56 Nurhandoko, B. E. B., Budi, M. L., Riyanto, E., Triyoso, K., Susilowati, Kusudiharjo, D., Abdillah, W. E., Surono, 2010, Rock Physics characterization of Sidoarjo Mud Flow in East Java. 2010 Proc. International Conference SEG-Bali  
RFI-P55 Nurhandoko, B. E. B., Susilowati, Budi, M. L., Siahaan, K. R., Ishaq, U. M., Abdillah, W., Kusudiharjo, D., Rudiyanto, H., Wiyanto, Y., Sulistyanto, B., 2010, Study of seismic parameter and AVO responses of Coal Bed Methane reservoir using rock physics physical modeling. 2010 Proc. International Conference SEG-Bali.  
RFI-P54 Nurhandoko,B.E.B, Sukmana, I., Mubarok, S., Susilowati, Widowati, S., Triyoso, K., 2010, Robust and efficient seismic tomography using parallel algorithm of scattering wave inversion for imaging basement intrusion rock. 2010 Proc. SEG-HAGI, Bali  
RFI-P53 Virman, Nurhandoko, B.E.B., Notosiswoyo, S., Sulistijo, B., 2010, Prediction of Fe and Cu Mineral Distribution Using Rock Physics and Geoelectrical Method: a Case Study in ModADA – Timika, Papua 2010 Preceeding of 4th Asian Physics Symposium.  
RFI-P52 Wismoyo, Y., Nurhandoko, B E B, Cokronegoro, R.A., Evan, A., Suta, N., 2010, 2D Interpolation mapping for seismic inversion with pseudo well and attribute mapping for exploration strategy at prospect field in Jabung Area. 2010 Proceeding PIT IAGI 2010.
RFI-P51 Adler, J.,Nurhandoko, B.E.B., 2009, Microstructure Analyze of Carbonate Reservoir Rock at Parigi Formation (Area Palimanan-Cirebon). 2009 The 3rd Asian Physics Symposium 2009, 22-23 Juli 2009  
RFI-P50 Ambia, F., Nurhandoko, B.E.B., 2009, Modeling of 3-D Rytov Wave Scattering and 3-D Fresnel Zone Wavepath. 2009 Proceeding of the 3rd Asian Physics Symposium  
RFI-P49 Ishaq, U.M., Nurhandoko, B.E.B., Bijaksana, S., 2009,Porosity and Fracture Pattern of Coal as CBM Reservoir. 2009 The 3rd Asian Physics Symposium 2009, 22-23 Juli 2009  
RFI-P48 Nurhandoko, B.E.B.,Mubarok, S., Sukmana, I., Sulistyanto, B., Syafrizal., Wiyanto, Y., Rudiyanto, H., Ambia, F., 2009, Subsurface Coal seam Characterization using Seismic Tomography : a Case Study in MuaraEnim south Sumatera. 2009 The 3rd Asian Physics Symposium 2009, 22-23 Juli 2009  
RFI-P47 Nurhandoko, B.E.B., Triyoso, K., Choliq, M.T., Budi, M.L., Suhendi, A., Abdillah, W.E., Ambia, F., 2008, Marine seismic tomography for detecting fractured and void of subsurface seabed : a theoretical framework development and application of Wide-band Fresnel tomography 2008 Proceeding HAGI meeting, Bandung - 2008  
RFI-P46 Nurhandoko, B.E.B, Choliq,M.T., Triyoso,K., Soemantri, I., Praptono, S.H., Nurcahyo, M., 2008, Quantitative characterization of hydrocarbon reservoir by means of seismic rock physics analysis: an integrated approach among seismic data, seismic rock physics of well-log and core measurement. 2008 20th International Geophysical Conference and Exhibition, Adelaide, South Australia