“Advance Reservoir Characterization and Imaging Specialist”
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Nurhandoko, B.E.B, Kurniadi, R., Fatiah, E., Widowati, S., 2017, "Subsurface Temperature Modeling using Integrated Modeling for Nuclear Reactor Site Assessment in Volcanic Zone". |
2017 |
Journal of Physics Conference Series 799(1) : 012028, DOI : 10.1088/1742-6596/799/1/012028 |
Nurhandoko, B.E.B, Kurniadi, R., Susilowati, Sri Widowati, Indriani Sukmana, 2017, "Amplitude Various Anles (AVA) of Reflected Elastic Wave in Thin Layer of Coal Bed and Sand Reservoir". |
2017 |
Journal of Non Linear Geophysics (Under Submission) |
Nurhandoko, B.E.B, Kurniadi, R., Asmara Hadi, M. R., 2017, "Study of Gamma Spectrometry Laboratory Measurement in Various Sediment and Vulcanic Rocks". |
2017 |
Journal of Physics Conference Series 799(1) : 012027, DOI : 10.1088/1742-6596/799/1/012027 |
Nurhandoko, B.E.B, Kurniadi, R., 2017, "Prediction of Subsurface Temperature Beneath Mt. Lawu-Kendeng Zone-Pati-Muriah, East Java Basin Using Integrated Modeling". |
2017 |
Journal of Geosciences (being reviewed) |
Nurhandoko, B.E.B, Ishaq, U.M., 2006, Seismic Rock Physics of Fractured Reservoir Rock in Fluid Saturated and Varying Pore Pressure Condition |
2006 |
SEG, International Geosciences Conference and Exhibition |
Nurhandoko, B.E.B, Condronegoro, R., Hikmah, A.L., Nashruddin, M., Supriyanto, E.B., 2005, Pore Pressure Effect on Seismic wave and AVO parameter |
2005 |
IJP, Vol 16 No.3 |
RFI-P90 |
Hasanusi, D., Wijaya, R., and Nurhandoko, B. E. B., 2014, Fracture carbonate reservoir characterization using sequential hybrid seismic rock physics and artificial neural-network. |
2014 |
European Association Geophysics Engineering (EAGE) International Symp. Saint Petersburg, Russia. |
RFI-P88 |
Hasanusi, D., Nurhandoko, B. E. B., Wijaya, R., 2013, Carbonate reservoir characterization using sequential hybrid seismic rock physics and artificial neural-network: a case study of North Tiaka Field. |
2013 |
6th International Symposium on In-Situ Rock Stress (RS2013) in Sendai Japan |
RFI-P87 |
Nurhandoko, B. E. B., 2013, Band limited Fresnel wavepath for high resolution reflection tomography. |
2013 |
Journal of Geophysics, SEG |
RFI-P86 |
Nurhandoko, B. E. B., 2013, Shale Gas Reservoir Characterization Strategy |
2013 |
Joint Convention HAGI-IAGI |
RFI-P85 |
Nurhandoko, B. E. B., Hariman, Y., Kurniadi, R., Susilowati, Triyoso, K., Widowati, S., 2013, Integrated approach in Lithofacies Prediction and Stratigraphic Reservoir Characterization, |
2013 |
Joint Convention HAGI-IAGI |
RFI-P84 |
Nurhandoko, B. E. B., Wibowo, S. A., Triyoso, K., 2013,Resolution enhancement of seismic wave for characterizing thin layer reservoir |
2013 |
Joint Convention HAGI-IAGI |
RFI-P83 |
Nurhandoko, B. E. B., Susilowati, Purnama, A. D., Lisyobudi, M., 2013, Amplitude Various Angles (AVA) of Reflected Elastic Wave Modeling in Thin Layer CBM Reservoir: Case study of South Sumatera. |
2013 |
Joint Convention HAGI-IAGI |
RFI-P82 |
Nurhandoko, B. E., Kurniadi, R., Budi, M. L., Purnama, A. D., Rizal, I., Kusharyo, D., 2013, Geothermal Heat Flow Measurement and its Inversion Modeling for Source Rock Characterization |
2013 |
Joint Convention HAGI-IAGI |
RFI-P81 |
Nurhandoko, B.E.B., 2013, Void imaging using seismic tomography. |
2013 |
J. Applied Geophysics, Elsevier |
RFI-P80 |
Nurhandoko, B.E.B., Listyobudi, M., Rizal, I., Kurniadi, R., Susilowati, Purnama, A. D.,Kusharyo, D., 2013, Geothermal Heat Flow Measurement For Predicting Subsurface Temperature Distribution. |
2013 |
Proceedings 2nd ITB Geothermal Workshop 2013 |
RFI-P79 |
Nurhidayat, G., Ardi, S., Listyobudi, M., Nurhandoko, B. E. B., 2013, Study Of Geomechanics Modeling in Coal Bed Methane Reservoir’s Wellbore. |
2013 |
Joint Convention IAGI-HAGI 2013 |
RFI-P78 |
Yushendri, Y. F., Sukotjo, A., Raguwanti, R., Widarto, D. S., Nurhandoko, B. E. B., 2013, Seismic Rock Physics of the South Sumatra Basin Coal, Indonesia. |
2013 |
11th SEGJ International Symposium in. Yokohama, Japan. |
RFI-P77 |
Fidriany, Nurhidayat, G., Wibowo, E., Kusumawati, A., Budi, M., Nurhandoko, B. E. B., 2012, Porosity and permeability characterization of coal as CBM (coal bed methane) reservoir using various methods, PROCEEDINGS PIT HAGI 37th HAGI Annual Convention & Exhibition. |
2012 |
RFI-P76 |
Hasanusi, D., Wijaya, R., Baasir, A., Nurhandoko, B.E.B., 2012, Carbonate reservoir characterization using sequential hybrid seismic rock physics and artificial neural-network: a case study of North Tiaka Field. |
2012 |
AAPG-Bahrain. |
RFI-P75 |
Nurhandoko, B. E. B., 2012, Shale Gas Reservoir Characterization. |
2012 |
Invited Speaker, Seminar held by BadanGeologi |
RFI-P74 |
Nurhandoko, B. E.B., 2012, Amplitude various angles (AVA) phenomena in thin layer reservoir. |
2012 |
2012 HAGI Annual Meeting, Palembang-Indonesia. |
RFI-P73 |
Nurhandoko, B.E.B., Jumhana, N., Iqbal, M., Rahman, I., Wibowo, S., Hariman, Y., Susilowati, Triyoso, K., Kurniadi, R., 2012, Sequential Artificial Neural Network for Fracture Prediction using Hybrid Well Data, Multi Seismic Attributes, Surface Attributes, and Rock Physics: Case Study Of Se Walio Salawati Papua. |
2012 |
Proceedings of Indonesian Petroleum Association 36th Annual Convention & Exhibition. |
RFI-P72 |
Nurhandoko, B.E.B., Susilowati, Ishaq, U.M., Rudiyanto, H., Wiyanto, Y., Sulistyanto, B., Budi, M.L., Siahaan, K.R., Abdillah, W.E., Kusudiharjo, D., 2012, Rock Physics Properties of Coal Bed Methane Reservoir Rock: Case Study of MuaraEnim Coal. |
2012 |
Proceedings of Indonesian Petroleum Association 36th Annual Convention & Exhibition. |
RFI-P71 |
Nurhandoko, B.E.B., Wibowo, S.A., Mubarok, S., 2012, Increasing resolution of seismic wave for revealing thin layer reservoir: a thin layer imaging without deconvolution and well independent |
2012 |
2012 HAGI Annual Meeting, Palembang-Indonesia. |
RFI-P70 |
Nurhandoko, B.E.B., Wibowo, S.A., Mubarok, S., 2012, Inverse Scattering Wave Equation Pre-Stack Depth Migration For Imaging Complex Structure. |
2012 |
2012 Proceeding HAGI Annual Meeting, Palembang-Indonesia. |
RFI-P69 |
Wardaya, P. D. and Nurhandoko, B.E.B., 2012, Classification of Carbonate Rock Constituents from Thin Slice Image Using Artificial Intelligence. |
2012 |
Proceedings of Indonesian Petroleum Association 36th Annual Convention & Exhibition |
RFI-P68 |
Wardaya, P. D., and Nurhandoko, B.E., 2012, Advance in Carbonate Rock Physics: Mineralogy and Acoustic Velocity Mapping using ANN. |
2012 |
74th EAGE Conference & Exhibition incorporating SPE EUROPEC 2012 |
RFI-P67 |
Wely, W., Riyanto, E., Nurhandoko, B. E. B., 2012, 3D SIRT passive microseismic tomography to delineate cave shape and identify rock type in DOZ Underground Mine PT. Freeport Indonesia, PROCEEDINGS PIT HAGI 37th HAGI Annual Convention & Exhibition. |
2012 |
RFI-P66 |
Kurniadi, R., Nurhandoko, B., E. B., 2011, Kalman filter for seismic deconvolution. |
2011 |
Proc. International Conference of International Conference on Physics and Its Applications (ICPAP 2011) -ICPAP 2011 & SFN XXIV. |
RFI-P65 |
Nurhandoko, B. E. B, Wardaya, P. D., Adler, J., Siahaan, K., 2011, Seismic wave propagation modeling in pore media for various frequencies: a case study in carbonate rock. |
2011 |
Proc. International Conference of International Conference on Physics and Its Applications (ICPAP 2011) -ICPAP 2011 & SFN XXIV. |
RFI-P64 |
Nurhandoko, B. E. B., Mubarok, S., Sukmana, I., Triyoso, K., Widowati, S., Susilowati, Wibowo, S., Budi, M. L., Kusudihardjo, D., Wiyanto, Y., Rudiyanto, H., 2011,Robust and efficient seismic tomography using parallel algorithm of scattering wave inversion for imaging basement intrusion rock. |
2011 |
proc. International Joint Conference Makassar (JCM 2011). |
RFI-P63 |
Nurhandoko, B. E. B., Sukmana, I., Mubarok, S., Deny, A., 2011, Inverse Scattering Wave Equation Pre-Stack Depth Migration For Imaging Complex Structure. |
2011 |
proc. International Joint Conference Makassar (JCM 2011). |
RFI-P62 |
Nurhandoko, B. E. B., Sukmana, I., Mubarok, S., Deny, A., Kurniadi, R., Widowati, 2011, Inverse scattering pre-stack depth imaging and it’s comparison to some depth migration methods for imaging rich fault complex structure. |
2011 |
Proc. International Conference of International Conference on Physics and Its Applications (ICPAP 2011) -ICPAP 2011 & SFN XXIV. |
RFI-P61 |
Nurhandoko, B. E. B., Susilowati, Budi, M. L., Siahaan, K. R., Ishaq, U. M., Abdillah, W., Kusudiharjo., Rudiyanto, H., Wiyanto, Y., Sulistyanto, B., 2011, Study of seismic parameter and AVO responses of Coal Bed Methane reservoir using rock physics physical modeling, |
2011 |
proc. International Joint Conference Makassar (JCM 2011). |
RFI-P60 |
Nurhandoko, B., E. B., Sukmana, I., Widowati, S., Susilowati, Wibowo, S., Deny, A., Kurniadi, R., Mubarok, S., 2011, Robust time domain inverse scattering full waveform seismic tomography for imaging complex structure. |
2011 |
Proc. International Conference of International Conference on Physics and Its Applications (ICPAP 2011) -ICPAP 2011 & SFN XXIV. |
RFI-P59 |
Nurhandoko, B. E. B, Wardaya, P. D., Adler, J., Siahaan, K., 2011, Seismic wave propagation modeling in pore media for various frequencies: a case study in carbonate rock. |
2011 |
Proc. International Conference of International Conference on Physics and Its Applications (ICPAP 2011) -ICPAP 2011 & SFN XXIV. |
RFI-P58 |
Hasanusi, D., Wijaya, R., Baasir, A., Nurhandoko, B.E.B., 2010, Carbonate reservoir characterization using sequential hybrid seismic rock physics and artificial neural-network: a case study of North Tiaka Field, |
2010 |
Pertamina Sharing Technologi Forum, Bandung. |
RFI-P57 |
Nurhandoko, B. E. B., Sulistyanto, B., Syafrizal, Wiyanto, Y., Rudiyanto, H., Erlangga, P., Riyanto, E., Kusudiharjo, D., Ambia, F.,2010, Imaging Of Coal Near Subsurface Intrusion Body Through Seismic Tomography: A Case Study In Suban Block MuaraEnim Sumatera. |
2010 |
Proc. Conference Kyushu Univ. – ITB 2010. |
RFI-P56 |
Nurhandoko, B. E. B., Budi, M. L., Riyanto, E., Triyoso, K., Susilowati, Kusudiharjo, D., Abdillah, W. E., Surono, 2010, Rock Physics characterization of Sidoarjo Mud Flow in East Java. |
2010 |
Proc. International Conference SEG-Bali |
RFI-P55 |
Nurhandoko, B. E. B., Susilowati, Budi, M. L., Siahaan, K. R., Ishaq, U. M., Abdillah, W., Kusudiharjo, D., Rudiyanto, H., Wiyanto, Y., Sulistyanto, B., 2010, Study of seismic parameter and AVO responses of Coal Bed Methane reservoir using rock physics physical modeling. |
2010 |
Proc. International Conference SEG-Bali. |
RFI-P54 |
Nurhandoko,B.E.B, Sukmana, I., Mubarok, S., Susilowati, Widowati, S., Triyoso, K., 2010, Robust and efficient seismic tomography using parallel algorithm of scattering wave inversion for imaging basement intrusion rock. |
2010 |
Proc. SEG-HAGI, Bali |
RFI-P53 |
Virman, Nurhandoko, B.E.B., Notosiswoyo, S., Sulistijo, B., 2010, Prediction of Fe and Cu Mineral Distribution Using Rock Physics and Geoelectrical Method: a Case Study in ModADA – Timika, Papua |
2010 |
Preceeding of 4th Asian Physics Symposium. |
RFI-P52 |
Wismoyo, Y., Nurhandoko, B E B, Cokronegoro, R.A., Evan, A., Suta, N., 2010, 2D Interpolation mapping for seismic inversion with pseudo well and attribute mapping for exploration strategy at prospect field in Jabung Area. |
2010 |
Proceeding PIT IAGI 2010. |
RFI-P51 |
Adler, J.,Nurhandoko, B.E.B., 2009, Microstructure Analyze of Carbonate Reservoir Rock at Parigi Formation (Area Palimanan-Cirebon). |
2009 |
The 3rd Asian Physics Symposium 2009, 22-23 Juli 2009 |
RFI-P50 |
Ambia, F., Nurhandoko, B.E.B., 2009, Modeling of 3-D Rytov Wave Scattering and 3-D Fresnel Zone Wavepath. |
2009 |
Proceeding of the 3rd Asian Physics Symposium |
RFI-P49 |
Ishaq, U.M., Nurhandoko, B.E.B., Bijaksana, S., 2009,Porosity and Fracture Pattern of Coal as CBM Reservoir. |
2009 |
The 3rd Asian Physics Symposium 2009, 22-23 Juli 2009 |
RFI-P48 |
Nurhandoko, B.E.B.,Mubarok, S., Sukmana, I., Sulistyanto, B., Syafrizal., Wiyanto, Y., Rudiyanto, H., Ambia, F., 2009, Subsurface Coal seam Characterization using Seismic Tomography : a Case Study in MuaraEnim south Sumatera. |
2009 |
The 3rd Asian Physics Symposium 2009, 22-23 Juli 2009 |
RFI-P47 |
Nurhandoko, B.E.B., Triyoso, K., Choliq, M.T., Budi, M.L., Suhendi, A., Abdillah, W.E., Ambia, F., 2008, Marine seismic tomography for detecting fractured and void of subsurface seabed : a theoretical framework development and application of Wide-band Fresnel tomography |
2008 |
Proceeding HAGI meeting, Bandung - 2008 |
RFI-P46 |
Nurhandoko, B.E.B, Choliq,M.T., Triyoso,K., Soemantri, I., Praptono, S.H., Nurcahyo, M., 2008, Quantitative characterization of hydrocarbon reservoir by means of seismic rock physics analysis: an integrated approach among seismic data, seismic rock physics of well-log and core measurement. |
2008 |
20th International Geophysical Conference and Exhibition, Adelaide, South Australia |