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Rock Fluid Imaging Lab provides geomechanical Triaxial test- in ultra high pressure and PC based Labfor deep water/target.
Test frame loading capacity up to 200 Ton ~ 2. 10^6 Newton the maximum confining pressure up to 60.000 Psi servo-control. Close-loop test system manufacture/ and key feature Programmable Pressure Scenario, Controllable pressure, available close-loop scenario, PC based control.
Triaxial cell confining pressure rating Confining pressure range up to 60.000 Psi Confining pressure rate 0.5 bar /minute (7.25 Psi/minutes) Axial stress Axial stress up to 200.000 Psi
Pore pressure control system and pressure rating Controllable Pore pressure, range from zero to maximum 20.000 Psi. For standard triaxial measurement, the pore system should be vented to atmospheric pressure.
Displacement /strain sensor type, resolution Two sensor axial, and two radial sensors
Sensor type : strain gauge displacement sensor setup Resolution : 0.1 micro meter
Data sampling rate Sampling rate: Default: 1 data/ second Optional: 1 data/0.1 second up to 1 data/0.01 secondCore plug size : diameter 1 inch and 1.5 inch with minimum length twice its diameters.
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Triaxial test- in high pressure and PC based Lab
triaxial cell confining pressure Confining pressure range up to 10.000 Psi
Axial stress Axial stress up to 48.000 Psi servo-control. Close-loop test system manufacture/ and key feature Programmable Pressure Scenario, Controllable pressure, available close-loop scenario, PC based control. displacement /strain sensor type, resolution Two sensor axial, and two radial sensors Sensor type : strain gauge displacement sensor setup Resolution : 0.1 micro meter Data sampling rate Sampling rate: Default: 1 data/ second Optional: 1 data/0.1 second up to 1 data/0.01 second Core plug size that could be tested core sample with diameter 1 inch and 1.5 inch with minimum length twice its diameters.
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cell confining pressure Confining pressure range up to 10.000 Psi Axial stress Axial stress up to 48.000 Psi servo-control. Close-loop test system manufacture/ and key feature Programmable Pressure Scenario, Controllable pressure, available close-loop scenario, PC based control. displacement /strain sensor type, resolution Two sensor axial, and two radial sensors Sensor type : strain gauge displacement sensor setup Resolution : 0.1 micro meter Scale Scale for measure the accumulation of solid mass in the outlet. Resolution 0.1 mg to obtain fluid volume core plug size that could be tested core sample with inner diameter 1 inch and outer diameter 1.5 inch with minimum length twice its outer diameters. Fluid flow rate Can be adjusted Data sampling Sampling rate: Default: 1 data/ second
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We provide relationship among wave phenomena and reservoir’s parameter for various reservoir’s condition.
The output of this measurement and analysis are following:
•Vp and Vs under various overburden pressure.
•Vp and Vs under various pore pressure.
•Vp and Vs under various fluid saturant (brine, oil and gas).
•Vp and Vs various anisotrophic orientation.
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Acid Liquid Flow Permeability measurement for simulating/analysis the Acidized (Carbonate) Reservoir.
Differential pressure transducer There are 2 pressure gauge in inlet and outlet of core. Resolution: 1 psi Pressure Drive pressure: 9000 Psi Confining Pressure: 12000 psi Back Pressure: 4000 Psi Fluid Two type fluid source in inlet. Pressure rate between fluid are identic Heating Elements Resolution: 1°C Max temperature : 400°F (204.4°C) Scale Scale for measure the accumulation of fluid in the outlet Resolution 0.1 mg to obtain fluid volume PC Based System PC Based System to control measurement, recording data and storing to the database and also displaying output data. Data sampling rate Standard: 1/second Optional : 0.1 second Core sample Typically, the tests utilize 1” or 1.5" diameter core plugs that are 1"-3" in length. Effluent samples at outlet In standard, effluent samples were analyzed for AI, Si, Ca, and Fe at geochemical laboratory. Material Some part of flow system equipment’s was constructed of Hastelloy C-276 and Inconel C-276.
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Sample Size :1.0 Inch and 1.5 Inch diameter core plug
Gas Supply :Helium/ argon/ Air
Core Holder :Hustler type of core samples of 1.0 inch and 1.5 inch diameter for grain volume/ pore volume
Pressure Transducer range :0 -4000 psi
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Sample Size 1.0 Inch and 1.5 Inch diameter core plug Gas Supply Helium/ argon/ Air Core Holder Hustler type of core samples of 1.0 inch and 1.5 inch diameter for grain volume/ pore volume Pressure Transducer range 0 -4000 psi Air Permeability Range 0-10000 mD
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Pressure Range Up to 2000 psi Core Sample dimension Core Diameter: 1” or 1.5” Core length: 3” Sample Preparation Samples must be cleaned and dried at high temperature to remove any water in the pore system as water will act as a wetting phase in preference to air. (hot Soxhlet extraction and convection oven dry at 105 °C) Control and database storage PC based
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Pipette drops Useful volume range: 1 -10 μL can measure up to 0.5 μL Correction for evaporation: 0.018 μL Sensitivity: 10-6 g
Microscope Magnification : 4x, 10x, 40x Image detector Camera connect that to PC, record and stored the image Digital Angle measurement Resolution: 1 degree sample Ensure flat in surface of sample
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Heating source for Hot Reservoir Resolution: 1°C
Max temperature : 400°F (204.4 °C) Cooling source for cool Reservoir Resolution: 1°C Min temperature : -4 °C Known Metal Copper, density 8.94 g/cc Specific heat 390 J/Kg °C Temperature Sensor Total five sensor Resolution: 0.01°C Number of required sample Two core sample Data sampling rate Sampling rate: Default: 1 data/ second Optional: 1 data/0.1 second up to 1 data/0.01 second
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Microscope magnification: 4x, 10x, 40x
Microscope polarization : Cross Nicol polarization
Image Sensor : 1/2" CMOS
Pixel Size : 3.2μmX3.2μm
Image Output : USB2.0, 480Mb/s
Programmable Control : Image size, brightness, gain, exposure time
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X-ray source : 40-85 kV, max 30mA.
X-ray detector: 12-megapixel Camera
Maximum object size:120 mm diameter, 1 m length, 20 kg
Rotation Up to 0.1°per step
Acquisition Data:Up to 4x faster scanning of objects with high aspect ratio
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Gas chromatography is a common type of chromatography used in analytical chemistry for separating and analyzing compounds that can be vaporized without decomposition.
Temperature range: -100oC to 400oC
Temperature control:Proportional integration type,
Temperature control accuracy: ± 0.1oC,
Heating speed: Ambient to 350oC in 13 minutes,
Cooling speed:350oC to 100oC in 3.5 minutes
Two on-column injection ports, FPD, ECD models:One on-column injection port
Stainless steel:6 m x 2,
Stainless steel (FPD, ECD models):12 m x 1 Glass:5.4 m x 2,
Glass (FPD, ECD models):5.4 m x 1,
Capillary (with option):100 mx1,
Capillary (ECD model, with option):100 m x 1
Flow Control : carrier gas, Hydrogen, Air
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TOC is the measure of the level of organic molecules or contaminants in purified water. TOC is an analytic technique that helps organizations understand whether the water they are using is pure enough for their processes.
• Multi-ramp/zones and multi-peaks • 126 sample capacity • No loss of light oil • Precise Temperature • Multi-point calibration • True temperature for kinetics
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Laser diffraction particle size analyzers are used to measure the sizes of particles in a material. Particle size is calculated by measuring the angle of light scattered by the particles as they pass through a laser beam.
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Pore Pressure Prediction
Rock Fluid Imaging Lab provides integrated geomechanical analysis considering rock physics, lithofacies, temperature, stress, strain, and reservoir parameter (porosity, lithofacies) for producing accurate subsurface information such as pore pressure distribution and also fault sealing analysis.
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Wellbore stability
Rock Fluid Imaging Lab provides integrated geomechanical analysis considering core geomechanics laboratory testing, well data (pressure data, mud pressure, petrophysics & image log) and field data for preventing Wellbore Instability during drilling and sand production.
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Subsidence and Caprock Integrity
Rock Fluid Imaging Lab provides integrated geomechanical analysis considering geomechanic core test, rock physics, lithofacies, temperature, stress state (overburden stress, maximum horizontal stress, minimum horizontal stress, pore pressure, hydrostatic pressure), strain, and reservoir parameter (porosity, lithofacies) combine with Finite Element Modeling for Caprock Integrity Analysis as well as reservoir integrity Analysis.
Caprock integrity, as well as reservoir integrity assessments, have become an essential element in the design and operation of steam injection projects and a critical factor in the selection of a maximum steam injection operating pressure.
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Lithology Prediction
Reservoir properties like porosity, permeability and fluid saturation are unique for different rocks. The reservoir properties are very dependent on their lithofacies. Therefore, the first task in reservoir characterization should be lithofacies prediction. Our technology provide the most accurate prediction using proven sequential flow of reservoir prediction based on lithofacies information.
Our technologies are capable to integrate among weakness and strength of seismic resolution, attributes, well, core, statistical, artificial neural networks and expert experiences to give the most accurate interpretation for reservoir properties prediction.
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Fracture Prediction
Fractured reservoir is one of complex reservoir type. To reduce uncertainties in fractured reservoir characterization, we are able to integrate all available data from geology, geophysics, petrophysics and rock physics, using our latest advanced technology based on rock physics, advanced atributes & statistical artificial intelligence.
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Hak Cipta @2008-2020 Rock Fluid Imaging Lab |